Did you know that every student on the Texas A&M University Campus has the ability to write a Bill or Resolution. All students and organizations are welcome and encouraged to write legislation to help their voice be heard. All that is required is that three (3) senators sponsor and support that Bill or Resolution according to our SGA Code. Students; however, are not able to write Acts as that power is reserved to the Student Senators only. For more questions or concerns please email Speaker Glass at [email protected].
Resolutions are a non-binding statement or opinion of the Student Senate, and by extension the Student Body. Resolutions in the past have been used to commend or criticize decisions made by university administration and stakeholders, used to honor or commend individuals or organizations, and to encourage and advise administrators to enact or discontinue policies or initiatives. Resolutions may also exercise ratification, confirm appointments, impeach individuals, or any action authorized by Senate By-Laws
Bills are uncodified changes within the Student Government Association policies and constitution. These are temporary changes and will expire at the end of session unless specified otherwise within the bill to expire earlier. These are typically used to put in place initiatives, events, or policies within the SGA that must be carried out by the Student Body President, his or her cabinet or in some cases the senate body.