S.R. 69-01 Standard of Respect Resolution
S.R. 69-02 On The Wood Resolution
S.R. 69-03 Police brutality is not an Aggie core value
S.R. 69-04 Gig the Vote Resolution
S.R. 69-05 Thank You Chartwells Resolution
S.R. 69-06 Student Senators of Integrity Resolution
S.R. 69-08 Honors Student Council Officer Elections Resolution
S.R. 69-09 Repudiation of Hatred Resolution
S.R. 69-10 Thank You Lilia Gonzales Resolution
S.R. 69-11 Thank You Madeline Dillard Resolution
S.R. 69-13 Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Resolution
S.R. 69-14 The Texas A&M Kingsville Condolences Resolution
S.R. 69-15 Support of Pocket Points Resolution
S.R. 69-16 The Dr.Karen Watson Selfless Service Resolution
S.R. 69-17 Congratulations Office of Sustainability Resolution