
S.B. 70-01 The FY ’18 SGA Appropriations Bill

S.B. 70-02 SGA Budget FY ’18 Bill

S.B. 70-04 Good Samaritan Law Reformation Bill

S.B. 70-05 Open Source Textbook Bill

S.B. 70-06 Online Sexual Assault Reporting Bill

S.B. 70-07 The Student Voter Bill

S.B. 70-08 Student Debt Literacy Bill

S.B. 70-09 Replant Additional Allocation Bill

S.B. 70-10 Matthew Gaines Statue Commemoration Bill

S.B. 70-11 The Zachary Johnson Sul Ross Penny Update Bill

S.B. 70-13 Interview Absence Bill

S.B. 70-14 Mental Health Services Improvement Bill

S.B. 70-15 Sexual Assault Medical Resource Bill

S.B. 70-16 EIC Additional Allocation Bill

S.B. 70-17 Legislation Deadline Adjustment Act

S.B. 70-19 Repeal of Governance Council Bill

S.B. 70-20 Removal of Guide Committee Bill

S.B. 70-21 Repeal of The Voter Initiative Bill

S.B. 70-22 Removal of the Non-Academic Student Fee Review Bill

S.B. 70-23 Removal of The Personal Protection Bill

S.B. 70-24 Repeal of The Students in Vision 2020 Bill

S.B. 70-25 Election Regulations Administrative Act

S.B. 70-26 Revision of Student Services Chair Expectations Bill

S.B. 70-27 Revision of Caucus Leader Expectations Bill

S.B. 70-28 Amendment of the SGA Constituency Outreach Act

S.B. 70-29 Removal of the SGA Committee Admissions Procedures

S.B. 70-30 Removal of the Sunset Commission Bill

S.B. 70-31 The TSGC Act

S.B. 70-32 The Academic Affairs Chair and Committee Bill

S.B. 70-33 Amendment of the SGA Committee and Commissions Bylaws

S.B. 70-35 Removal of the SGA Opposition to Off-Semester Student Fee Implementation Act

S.B. 70-36 Removal of the SGA State of Koldus Act

S.B. 70-37 Election Regulations Update Act

S.B. 70-38 SGA Allocation Regulations Reform Act

S.B. 70-39 Intermittent Conduct Evaluation for SGA Entities Act

S.B. 70-40 Reapportionment of Senate Caucuses Bill

S.B. 70-41 Student Fees Review Committee Act

S.B. 70-42 The Committee Notification Act